Use Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for non-linear curve fitting.
Function to simulate data
f <- function(T, tau, N0, a, f0)
expr <- expression(N0 * exp(-T/tau) * (1 + a*cos(f0*T)))
Values over which to simulate data: 500 intervals between 0 and 8
T <- seq(0, 8, length=501)
Parameter values underlying simulated data
p <- c(tau = 2.2, N0 = 1000, a = 0.25, f0 = 8)
Define vector with simulated data to fit
Ndet <-"f", c(list(T = T), as.list(p)))
Add noise. Set random number seed so example is reproducible.
N <- Ndet + rnorm(length(Ndet), mean=Ndet, sd=.01*max(Ndet))
## [1] 2487.312 2476.828 2444.928 2400.202 2375.693 2313.235
Function D computes derivatives with respective to named parameter.
\[ N_0 exp(-T/tau) (1 + a\cos(f0 T)) \]
See info about Hessian/Jacobian matrix.
j <- function(T, tau, N0, a, f0)
expr <- expression(N0*exp(-T/tau)*(1 + a*cos(f0*T)))
c(eval(D(expr, "tau")),
eval(D(expr, "N0" )),
eval(D(expr, "a" )),
eval(D(expr, "f0" )))
fcn <- function(p, T, N, fcall, jcall)
(N -"fcall", c(list(T = T), as.list(p))))
fcn.jac <- function(p, T, N, fcall, jcall)
{"jcall", c(list(T = T), as.list(p)))
guess <- c(tau = 2.2, N0 = 1500, a = 0.25, f0 = 10)
out <- nls.lm(par = guess, fn = fcn, jac = fcn.jac,
fcall = f, jcall = j,
T = T, N = N, control = nls.lm.control(nprint=1))
## It. 0, RSS = 2.91785e+07, Par. = 2.2 1500 0.25 10
## It. 1, RSS = 9.4718e+06, Par. = 2.1019 2041.65 -0.0272045 9.91903
## It. 2, RSS = 8.88376e+06, Par. = 2.16873 2022.07 0.0487361 10.6175
## It. 3, RSS = 8.79912e+06, Par. = 2.1579 2028.62 0.028564 10.4468
## It. 4, RSS = 8.7256e+06, Par. = 2.15996 2027.57 0.0320865 10.1236
## It. 5, RSS = 8.5294e+06, Par. = 2.15985 2027.34 0.0399979 9.70825
## It. 6, RSS = 7.80537e+06, Par. = 2.15871 2027.19 0.0566179 9.13837
## It. 7, RSS = 4.03412e+06, Par. = 2.15784 2025.81 0.0996119 8.30636
## It. 8, RSS = 2.10099e+06, Par. = 2.18278 2008.66 0.225579 7.64731
## It. 9, RSS = 257598, Par. = 2.16802 2015.77 0.221037 7.95009
## It. 10, RSS = 86804.1, Par. = 2.19638 2001.55 0.251485 7.99715
## It. 11, RSS = 86020.1, Par. = 2.19702 2001.44 0.251983 7.99114
## It. 12, RSS = 86020.1, Par. = 2.19703 2001.43 0.251994 7.99114
## It. 13, RSS = 86020.1, Par. = 2.19703 2001.43 0.251994 7.99114
N1 <-"f", c(list(T = T), out$par))
Plot the original data with fitted solution, along with residuals.
plot(T, N, cex = 0.5, main="Simulated Data to Fit")
lines(T, N1, col="blue", lwd=2) # Fitted solution
Add a plot of the log residual sum of squares as it is made to decrease each iteration; note that the RSS at the starting parameter values is also stored
plot(1:(out$niter+1), log(out$rsstrace), type="b",
main="log residual sum of squares vs. iteration number",
ylab="log residual sum of squares", pch=21)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
tau 2.197e+00 3.447e-03 637.3 <2e-16 ***
N0 2.001e+03 2.209e+00 906.0 <2e-16 ***
a 2.520e-01 1.137e-03 221.6 <2e-16 ***
f0 7.991e+00 2.902e-03 2754.0 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 13.16 on 497 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to termination: 13
Reason for termination: Conditions for `info = 1' and `info = 2' both hold.
## [1] '1.1.8'
2015-03-08 1419