Under Construction

R Topics


R is such a graphics rich language. Why is the current “standard” R documentation only text instead of showing colorful, graphics visualizations? This is a huge non-sequitur.

These pages are my R notes, often the R examples from the online help, showing the full graphics output.

The next step is to add some reasonable explanations to the help examples that are often opaque and hard to understand.

Package Description Source
Boruta Boruta Feature Selection CRAN
EBImage EBImage Image Processing Bioconductor
gplots gplots Misc. Graphics CRAN
minpack.lm minpack.lm Non-Linear Curve Fit CRAN
pca3d pca3d Show PCA analysis in 3D CRAN
RColorBrewer RColorBrewer Color Palettes CRAN
waveslim waveslim Wavelets CRAN

R Resources

2015-03-08 1432