efg's Computer Lab on GitHub

Placeholder page for now

GitHub Repositories

GitHub Project Pages:

efg's R Notes

Data Sources/Data Analysis
Kansas City, MO 311 Service Requests

I plan to migrate the links below to be separate GitHub Project Pages instead of part of this GitHub User Page.

Preliminary analysis of a variety of data files

National Provider Identifier file.  Removing 3 GB of bloat and normalizing this file for use with SQL.

Geocode address and map to US Census tract.  Show how to plot counties and census tracts in R.

Missouri sex offenders near day care centers.   R examples of geocoding and computing a distance matrix.

Inventory of USAspending.gov data.  First look at US government spending reported online.

IRS Individual Income Tax Statistics.

Analysis of White House Visitor Access Records.

Kansas City R Users Group

Johns Hopkins Developing Data Products Class on Coursera

Old Projects (some files to be migrated to GitHub)